130 Healthy Cooking Tips – Cooking Tasty and Properly

Cooking Tips 451

Each housewife spends a significant part of her time in the kitchen. Cooks, fries, soars, makes preparations. And each of us in the process of cooking often has questions “how is this …, but how is …” Often we do not know when to salt a particular dish correctly, when to add spices, how to make products tastier, how to preserve vitamins … well, many, many others.

Each time in my new recipe, I constantly pay great attention to such seemingly little things. In fact, they are the ones that allow you to cook truly delicious dishes. They help to reveal their taste to all ingredients in full.

In this post, I tried to collect such useful culinary tips in one place. Because it is inconvenient to collect them all piece by piece from different recipe descriptions. I hope that they will be useful to you, and you will use them every day.

Vegetables and Fruits – Healthy Cooking Tips

It is recommended to sprinkle onions, carrots and tomatoes before adding to the dish – this allows you to preserve their taste and aroma. It will also give color to the cooking dish.

If you add a little washed onion scales to the broth, then it will turn golden.

Beets, carrots, and potatoes are usually cooked separately from each other. If you cook them in the same pot, the natural taste of the vegetables will be lost.

Boil the beets in the skins for 40-45 minutes, then drain the hot water. Then pour cold water over it and let cool. She will be completely ready.

If after cooking the beets have lost their color, put them in the refrigerator, the color will partially recover.

Add a little sugar to the water in which the vegetables are boiled, this will improve their taste.


To prevent the onion from eating your eyes, cut it in half and place it in cold water for a few minutes.

Dip the knife in cold water when slicing onions.

To prevent finely chopped onions from burning during frying, they must be rolled in flour. This will give the onion a golden color.

To make the onion clear, add ¼ cup of water after frying and simmer until the water is completely evaporated.

Beans should be soaked for several hours before boiling. The beans contain substances that contribute to gas formation, and as a result, the bloating of the abdomen. Soaking will avoid this problem.

To make the beans tastier, drain the water in which they are boiled immediately after boiling. Then pour hot water over the beans and cook until tender.

When boiling the beans, salt them 10 minutes before the end of cooking.

If you soak the peas for 5-6 hours before making the pea soup, the soup will turn out to be more rich and tasty.

So that the eggplants are not bitter, they must be cut into cubes or slices, salt, stand for 20 minutes, and then rinse with cold water.

The radish will not be pungent if rubbed and rinsed with cold water.

If cauliflower is boiled in water with the addition of milk, then its color will not darken.

If you boiled cabbage and it smells bad, put a slice of white bread in a saucepan, or cover it with a cloth dipped in vinegar.

Cabbage, carrots, tomatoes, pumpkin can not be boiled, but allowed. These vegetables have a lot of their own juice and do not require much water to cook. They can often be prepared in their own juice.

Simmering is cooking food in a small amount of liquid just below the boiling point. It makes food more tender and preserves nutrients and flavors.

To prevent the skin from bursting when boiling potatoes, add a few drops of vinegar to the water in which it is boiled

Pierce the skin of the potato with a toothpick in several places, and it will not boil over when boiled.

Before you start frying the potatoes, immerse them in hot water for a few minutes, they will fry much faster.

To prevent the potato pieces from sticking to the pan and sticking together during frying, first rinse them with cold water and then dry.

If you are frying potatoes, they should be salted when a crust forms on them.

In soups with sauerkraut, potatoes should be placed earlier than cabbage: in an acidic environment, potatoes “dubble” and do not boil well.


Beaten egg whites will add fluffiness and delicate taste to potato cutlets.

Tomatoes are easily peeled from the skin if you pour boiling water over them for 1-2 minutes. You can make one or two cuts beforehand.

If you boiled vegetables, then immediately drain the broth from them, otherwise their taste will become watery. This is not the case for cauliflower.

Frozen vegetables must first be defrosted and then immersed in boiling water. Or fill them with cold water and boil.

Cucumbers should not be stored with apples.

When you salt the cucumbers, add a little dry mustard in addition to horseradish to the brine. The cucumbers will become crispy and the pickle will last for a long time.

Bitter cucumbers can be dipped in milk for a while by adding a little sugar. The bitterness will go away.

  • grape tomatoes, which many grow in their backyards, may well replace Italian cherry tomatoes in any dish.

Boiled vegetables should be cut into salads only when they have completely cooled down.

If the salad contains boiled potatoes, it should be cut and put in the salad last.

If, before serving, put a lemon peel in a salad for a short time, then its taste will become more aromatic and expressive.

You can also rub the walls with garlic before placing the salad in a salad bowl, then the taste and smell will become more pronounced, with a light fresh garlic smell.

Puff salads should be made beforehand and left in the refrigerator overnight to soak and taste better.

To prepare the vinaigrette, add a little vegetable oil to each chopped vegetable and stir. Do the same with beets. Then the vegetables will remain their color and will not be stained with beetroot juice.

If you put finely chopped onions in a colander and pour over boiling water, then adding it to a vegetable salad will get rid of the bitterness and make it tastier.

  • Cooked vegetables contain the same amount of vitamin A as raw vegetables.
  • Vegetables containing vitamin C should not be soaked before cooking, and it is better not to use liquid after cooking.
  • To preserve vitamin C, it is best to cook in small amounts of liquid and as quickly as possible.
  • Foods containing vitamin C should be stored very briefly and, if possible, used fresh.

To keep the greens in the dish, add them at the very end of cooking.

Fruits, berries

Peeled and chopped apples will not darken if placed in slightly oxidized water for a few minutes.

To enhance the flavor of lemons, scald them before slicing.

To keep lemons fresh for longer, put them whole in a jar, pour cold water and refrigerate. Change the water every day.

Pineapple or kiwi are not recommended for use in jelly, as they contain substances that will prevent the gelatin from thickening.

Apples will not lose juice when baked if, after removing the core, they are immersed in boiling water for 3-4 minutes.

If you put banana skins in a pot of boiling meat and boil a little, then the meat will become juicy and aromatic. In addition, it will become boiled.

Cherry twigs and leaves are added to the dish during stewing, they add flavor to the dish.

Cranberries contain a large amount of benzoic acid, which is a good preservative, so it is good to use cranberries in different types of homemade preparations.

How to cook meat and fish properly

Do not start cooking meat until it is completely defrosted.

When boiling meat and fish products, after they have boiled, immediately reduce the heat and cook without boiling with the lid closed. You will have juicy products and a clear broth.

When cooking meat, salt should be added 15 minutes after boiling.

If the meat has an unpleasant smell, you need to put one or two pieces of charcoal when cooking it, which will absorb the smell. You can also cut the meat into pieces, rinse thoroughly in cold water, put in a saucepan with charcoal and pour cold water over it to coat the meat. After two to three hours, remove the charcoal and cook the meat in the same water. Or wash the meat with lukewarm water, rub with salt and pepper and let it rest for a while.

When frying meat in the oven, it is poured only with hot water or broth, cold water gives it firmness.


The meat should always be cut across the grain, then the finished pieces will be beautiful.

The meat of young animals is best used for fried dishes, and the old meat for cooking and stewing.

If you thawed meat or fish, do not freeze it again. Thawed and newly frozen food will not taste good.

Meat or cutlets should not be breaded all at once, it is better to do this just before frying. Otherwise, the breading will get soaked and this spoils the look and taste of the finished dish.

Add a little sugar to the minced meat, products from it will be very juicy. A tablespoon of sugar is added to 1 kg of minced meat.

To prevent breadcrumbs from sprinkling with the product during frying, they should first be rolled in flour, then dipped in beaten eggs and only then breaded.

Before frying schnitzels or chops, remove all veins from them, and lightly cut around the edges in two or three places. If this is not done, then they will curl up.

If the meat is soaked in milk for several hours before cooking, or if it is smeared with mustard, it will become juicier and softer.

If you lightly sprinkle the meat with powdered sugar before frying, then a golden brown crust will form on the surface.

To make the chicken breasts baked in the oven juicy, you need to spread them with a mixture of ketchup and sour cream, taken in equal quantities, before cooking (sour cream can be replaced with mayonnaise, and ketchup with adjika).

If the poultry to be roasted in the oven is not yet ready, but is already very brown, cover it on top with a piece of greased parchment paper or wrap it in foil.

If sausages are cooked in a little water or steamed, they will be much tastier and more aromatic.

To prevent sausages from bursting in boiling water, they need to be pricked with a fork in several places before cooking, or cross-shaped cuts should be made at the ends.

To make the liver soft and juicy, all films should be removed from it and the ducts should be cut.

It will be easier to remove the films from the liver if you first immerse it in hot water for 1 minute.

If the liver is soaked in milk for 2-3 hours before frying, then during cooking it will become juicy and tasty

The buds should be roasted over high heat to prevent excess juicing.

To make fried fish tasty and juicy, with a fried crust, you need to soak it for 2 hours in milk, then roll it in flour and fry.

Grilled fish is cooked for 30 minutes and served hot immediately after cooking.

If you want to deep-fry the fish evenly, swing the pan of oil from side to side during frying.

If you buy lobsters, make sure they are alive. They should be with both claws attached to ensure they are fresh.


Herring can be used to make rollmops. Rollmops are herring marinated in vinegar, which is wrapped in a roll and chopped off with a hairpin.

Some types of smoked sausage are difficult to peel. But if you put the sausage in cold water for half a minute, then peeling it will not be difficult.

Pasta and rice

When boiling pasta, use 1 liter of water per 100 grams of pasta.

Place pasta only in boiling water.

The water should be salted before adding the pasta. It is not recommended to add salt to pasta afterwards.

Use a large saucepan to boil pasta. It is advisable that the water does not reach the very edges

Stir the pasta periodically throughout the cooking process.

If you are preparing to cook spaghetti, then breaking them is not at all necessary. Just dip them into the pot and gradually press down on the ends sticking out of the water. Gradually you will be able to lower them all into the water. Stop them right there.

Thin pasta such as noodles should be cooked for 10 minutes.

Spaghetti or straws – 15 minutes.

Thick pasta – horns. spirals, bows are usually cooked from 20 to 30 minutes.

When boiling pasta, taste it 2-3 minutes before cooking. Try not to boil them. Finished pasta should be soft, not overcooked and slightly elastic.

The finished pasta should be discarded in a colander. And let the water drain.

It is not necessary to rinse them with water. You can season them with olive oil. Or serve with sauce. Pesto sauce works very well for this.

Different pastas, with the same sauce, even if they are made from the same dough, give completely different tastes.

Rice is the main grain crop for half of the world’s population.

Rice turns out to be white and tasty if you add very little vinegar to the water.

Cooked rice should not be kept warm for a long time, as it may contain spores of bacteria that produce toxins.


In Thailand and southern China, food contains a lot of seasonings and spices, so rice is usually cooked without salt to contrast with seasoned dishes.

To prevent bugs from getting in the rice, put a few metal bottle caps in it.

Dough, baking

Sugar-laden yolks are pounded faster in a warm place. Use fine granulated sugar or powdered sugar for grinding.

When whisking the egg whites, be careful not to hit the edges of the pan with the whisk.

Do not whisk the egg whites in an aluminum bowl; this will give the whites a grayish color.

Gelatin is granular and sheet, in plates. One sheet plate – usually equal to 2 gr. granular.

If you stir soda in water and make soda water, and then add it to the dough at the very beginning of kneading, then it can replace the yeast. The soda water dough will be light and attractive in appearance.

For 1 kg of flour, 2 teaspoons of baking soda or 4–6 teaspoons of baking powder are consumed.

If your recipe is for soft and sticky dough, it will be easier to roll out if you cover it with parchment paper. Or use a cold water bottle instead of a rolling pin.


The dough bakes better if you leave some free space around the edges so that the dough has room to grow.

Do not grease the edges of dough products with eggs. They will stick together and prevent the dough from rising.

If the finished crust after baking is difficult to get out of the mold, then put it on a rag dampened with cold water.

Add a little cognac to the unleavened dough, and the products from such a dough will turn out to be airy and crumbly.

If any portion of the pastry begins to burn, cover it with oiled baking paper.

If you bake an open pie with fruit or berry filling, the juice runs off during baking and burns on the baking sheet. But there is a way out: stick a few pasta with a hole vertically into the filling. The boiling juice rises through these tubes, but does not pour out of the pie. Remove the pasta from the finished pie.

The glaze can be colored. If you paint it with beet juice, you get a red color, if you paint it with orange juice – yellow.

To make it easier to apply the glaze, the knife should be moistened with hot water. Then gradually stretch the glaze in different directions.

If you want to make chocolate-colored marzipan, add a little cocoa powder to it and mix well. If the mass crumbles, pour in a little sugar syrup and stir again.

To prevent the biscuit from falling off during baking, it must not be removed from the oven in advance. It should be cooled at room temperature, and removed from the mold already completely cooled.

If you have baked a crumbly cake, and you need to cut it carefully, then hold the knife in hot water for a minute, and then cut it.

Did you know that sweets can be consumed at the beginning of a meal. You fill up with them faster. In addition, glucose will saturate the blood faster, reduce hunger and prevent overeating.

Dairy products, eggs

The milk will not run away if the edges of the pan are greased.

To make it boil faster, put some sugar in it.

If you add a little milk to the sour cream, it won’t curl in sauce, gravy, or soup.

The butter will not darken during frying if you grease the hot frying pan with vegetable oil.

Soft margarine is richer in polyunsaturated fat and healthier than butter or hard margarines.

Try to consume more country cottage cheese. It is very good for the heart, it is high in calcium and protein, and low in fat.

Don’t eat a lot of eggs. They contain not only beneficial vitamins, minerals and protein, but also cholesterol. It is enough to consume no more than 4 eggs per week.

Fresh boiled village eggs have very poor shell peeling. In newly laid eggs, the protein is strongly attached to the inner membrane of the egg. The egg can be broken in many places at once, and lightly rub it in the palms – small shells will lag better.

If you want to know whether the egg is fresh or not, shake it slightly from top to bottom. If the egg is not completely fresh, then you will feel movement and vibration in it. And in fresh, this will not be felt.

To find out which egg is raw and which is boiled, roll both eggs on the table. A raw egg rotates harder and continues to rotate longer if you try to stop it by touching it than a boiled one.

So that a greenish-gray bloom does not appear on the boiled yolk of the egg, do not cook it for too long, but after removing it from the heat, immediately fill it with cold water and let it stand for a while.

Mayonnaise in many recipes can be replaced with thick sour cream mixed with mustard.

When preparing cheesecakes to eggs and cottage cheese, add a little vegetable oil and the cheesecakes will turn out lus

Immediately, I want to note that these tips are far from everything you need to know in order to cook wholesome, tasty, and healthy food. I will try to continue to make interesting collections of useful tips for you.

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