How to cook potato pancakes in a blender

Cooking Tips Recipes simple Receipe 961
How to cook potato pancakes in a blender

Draniki is a fairly simple and quick dish that we love very much. The potatoes are grated and mixed with onions. Then it is fried until a beautiful golden color and served while still hot. But what if the cooking process can be accelerated. “Tasteful” tells you how to cook potato pancakes in a blender .

The taste of potato pancakes directly depends on the consistency of the mass. If you grate the potatoes by hand, the mixture will not be smooth. Mashed vegetables will make the pancakes very tender. Faster, easier, better – see for yourself.     4/5


  • Potatoes – 1 kg
  • Bow – 1-2 pcs.
  • Egg – 2 pcs.
  • Wheat flour – 1 stack.
  • Sunflower oil – 100 ml
  • Salt – taste
  • Black pepper (ground) – taste


  1. Peel onions and potatoes, cut into small pieces.chopped potatoes
  2. Using a blender, grind the potatoes separately and then the onions.potato mass
  3. Mix the vegetable puree and add the eggs. Mix well.potato with egg
  4. Add flour. The amount of flour may differ depending on the juiciness of the potatoes.pancake dough
  5. Season with salt and pepper. Fry in hot sunflower oil for 3-4 minutes on each side until golden brown.fried pancakes

Potato pancakes are best combined with sour cream. So be sure to put this dairy product on the table. Find out how else you can cook potato pancakes on our website. And choose your favorite recipe.

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