Do we really need Nutritional Supplements?

Health 785

Fruits and vegetables are required by the body to optimize health today. They help support our immunity, built our natural self-defense system and energy levels. They also help optimize health for tomorrow by enhancing the quality of life. The strongest defense system against diseases is our bodies’ own natural antioxidant and immune systems. The world health organization says to eat 5-9 servings ( 400 grams) of fruits and vegetables daily to optimize health.

Why Supplementation?

  • Our busy schedules and change in diet patterns has increased the consumption of processed food and makes it hard to have a proper balanced diet with a great mix of fruits, vegetables and whole grains.
  • Fresh food is now a days shipped long distances  and their diminishing quality have caused many experts to doubt the nutritional value of the produce by the time they reach the stores.
  • Increasing levels of environmental pollutants in the air, water and food may increase our bodies requirement for nutrients than normal to neutralise free radicals and detoxify and eliminate harmful substances.
  • Increased usage of pesticides has diminished the quality of food grown and thus reducing plant nutrient levels. Due to heavy usage of pesticides in agriculture people are now moving towards organic food industry but either the produce or packed food both are expensive than normal produce or products and thus not affordable by all.
  • Specific health conditions may result in higher needs of certain nutrients. For Example, during pregnancy there is an extra need of folic acid, while during menopause women may be vulnerable to calcium deficiencies.
  • Athletes need more antioxidant supplements  as excessive exercise can significantly increase the amount of free radicals in the body.

Approximately 8 out of 10 people are not getting the recommended daily dose of fruits and vegetables either due to busy schedules or environmental factors that reduce plant nutrient levels creating a gap between ‘what we Eat’ and ‘what we need’. In order to live life to the fullest we need to bridge the gaps between nutrients we take through food and nutrients we need, we can do so easily through dietary and plant-based supplements containing Phytonutrients.

When we understand the tremendous damage oxidative stress causes during normal daily life to our body, we realize how important it is to optimize our own natural defense system. Taking nutritional supplements is not about eradicating diseases, but it is about promoting vibrant health.

It is important that we take high-quality nutritional supplements. There are many companies in the market, you will actually get overwhelmed by looking at the number of brands available for these over-the-counter vitamins and supplements at any nearby store but Recipes to Health recommends Nutrilite.

Why Nutrilite?

Nutrilite® is the ONLY global vitamin and mineral brand to grow, harvest, and process plants on their own certified organic farms*.  Nutrilite® products are the world’s number one selling vitamins and dietary supplements brand* . They also bring us the very best through the power of nature and the latest scientific techniques in sports nutrition and weight management.

NUTRILITE has developed expertise from 80 years of science and research. Carl F. Rehnborg, the NUTRILITE  founder, discovered the advantages of plant-based nutrients in the 1920s when he was working in the Chinese countryside. The experience led him to pioneer phytonutrient-rich supplements back in 1934, when he brought the first daily multivitamin to market in the US.

 NUTRILITE’s manufacturing methods are special, they are the only global supplement brand that follows the seed-to-supplement philosophy.

  • Starting with the seeds, they grow varieties chosen by the researchers to deliver our best results.
  • they tend their plants carefully on their farms in the US, Mexico and Brazil using sustainable and pesticide-free methods.
  • they harvest their plants when they reach peak phytonutrient levels.
  • then carefully dry & process them within hours to insure maximum concentrations of nutrients in our supplements.
  • they ship their products to consumers quickly to guarantee freshness and efficacy. They back it up with a 180 days 100% Customer Satisfaction Guarantee**.
  • They conduct 25,000 quality tests each month in our state-of-the-art facilities to insure our products remain the best.

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